jeudi 18 décembre 2014

Le Conseil de Vie Lycéen

The Students Government Board

The students are involved in actions and projects at school and are all represented by the Students Government Board (which is le Conseil de Vie Lycéen in French)

The Students Government Board is composed of 8 members from different classes. The members are elected for 2 years by all the highschool students.

It is composed of a President ( the school Headmaster) and a Vice-President who is elected by the other members of the Board.

The SGC represents the students.
The students identify their needs and submit them to the Board. When their demands are accepted, the Board sees to it to satisfy their demands. It is in charge of improving life at school. This year, they voted the arrangement of the students’ common room. It also leads positive actions like collecting food and toys for charities, like The “Restos du Coeur” and the “Secours Populaire”. They also will organize some actions for Christmas, selling cookies, decorating and having fun. 
Written by LUCIE (also member of the SGC)

The Students Government Board in action!
The Students Board won the "Prix de l'Engagement Lycéen"

United in Diversity Unltd

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